
Replika Cartier Santos De Cartier Stor recension

Den kanske mest tittade funktionen på denna klocka, urtavlan, är en satinborstad mörkgrå och har en järnvägsstil-sekunders och minuters spårdesign placerad på omkretsen av den mörkgrå, borstad inre urtavlan. Ett datumfönster finns vid klockan 6 och använder en svart bakgrund med vita siffror för dagen i månaden. Den yttre urtavlan har en slät finish med självlysande material som används på de svärdformade visarna, vittryckta romerska siffror och små indexmarkörer vid vart och ett av femminutersintervallen. Denna klocka drivs av det interna 1847 MC självuppdragande urverket. Denna 23-juvel tillverkade kaliber har automatisk lindning, mäter 25,6 mm i diameter, har en frekvens på 28 800 (4Hz) och kommer med en 42-timmars kraftreserv.Sammanfattningsvis: detta är en utmärkt och historiskt betydelsefull klocka som kommer från en välrespekterad urmakare. Den har några uppdaterade funktioner och… More >>

ZURNEK in the digital magazine “MADERA SOSTENIBLE”

Agricultura vertical

ZURTEK launches its vertical farming modules for urban agriculture Available in two different versions: one suitable for yards or roofs and the other, designed for narrow balconies that needs a wall for support. After an innovation and diversification process, driven by worldwide crisis, ZURTEK, an insertion company whose product is wood engineering and construction, has bet on enriching its offer with set of devices for urban vertical agriculture, which they call “crop modules”. These crop modules, built in solid larch wood, are meant to be used in yards, balconies and roofs, where conditions for an standard vegetable garden are no feasible. The product, built in two different models and three sizes, allows in its biggest version to grow in vases up to twelve square feet of soil, while at the… More >>

ZURNEK ® in the newspaper “EL MUNDO”: Vegetable gardens within the reach of the urban dwellers

Huerta urbana

Zurtek has created a wooden structure that will adapt to any room. It allows to grow vegetables and plants on terraces, balconies or roofs. In 2010, the crisis forced the company to redirect its output. The device is designed to occupy a maximum of one square meter. Patxi Arostegi | Bilbao The advent of organic farming can be a breath of fresh air for the citizens who must deal with the annoying daily urban traffic noise, smoke from factories and other disadvantages associated with everyday life in the big city. More and more urbanites opt to grow their vegetables and plants on their terraces and balconies. Zurtek, a Basque company, has developed two models of shelves that allow urban gardening enthusiasts to design their own gardens in places as varied… More >>